*Professor Emeritus Clark passed away in November of 2019.
Leroy D. Clark, Professor Emeritus — B.A., 1956, City College of New York; LL.B., 1961, Columbia University; Staff Counsel, Attorney General’s Office, State of New York, 1961–62; Assistant Counsel, NAACP, 1962–68; Professor, New York University Law School, 1968–79; Arbitrator, American Arbitration Association, Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service; General Counsel, Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 1979–81; The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law, since 1981; Visiting Professor, University of Maryland School of Law, 1983–84; Visiting Professor, Georgetown University Law Center, 1986–87; General Counsel, American Civil Liberties Union, 1990–94; member, Personnel Appeals Board (GAO), 1992–98; current member, Public Employees Relations Board — D.C.
Research and Writing
- “Advice to Minority Students” article in book, LOOKING AT LAW SCHOOLS, Editor Stephen Gillers; (New American Library, 1977)
- “Ensuring Equal Opportunities in Employment Through Law”, Chapter 7 in RETHINKING EMPLOYMENT POLICY. Washington, D.C.: Urban Institute Press, 1989
- “Worker-Owned Businesses: A New Civil Rights Frontier?” chapter 7 in book AFRICAN AMERICANS, LABOR and SOCIETY—Organizing for a New Agenda. Editor: Patrick L. Mason (Wayne State University Press, 2001)
- “Review of the Law and Economics of Racial Discrimination in Employment by David A. Strauss.” Georgetown Law Journal 79, no. 6 (1991): 1695
- “Arbitration of Employment Discrimination Claims: A Need for Statutory Reform?” Thurgood Marshall Law Review 11, no. 1 (1985): 47
- “The Future Civil Rights Agenda: Peculation on Litigation, Legislation, and Organization.” Catholic University Law Review 38, no. 4 (1989): 795
- “New Directions for the Civil Rights Movement: College Athletics as a Civil Rights Issue.” Howard Law Journal 36, no. 3 (1993): 259
- “Employment Discrimination Testing: Theories of Standing and a Reply to Professor Yelnosky.” University of Michigan Journal of Law Reform 28, no. 1 (1994): 1
- “A Critique of Professor Derrick A. Bell’s Thesis of the Permanence of Racism and His Strategy of Confrontation.” Denver University Law Review 73, no. 1 (1995): 23
- “All Defendants, Rich and Poor, Should Get Appointed Counsel in Criminal Cases: The Route to True Equal Justice” 81 Marquette University Law Review 47 (1997)
- “Movements in Crisis: Employee-Owned Businesses—A Strategy for Coalition between Unions and Civil Rights Organizations,” the Howard Law Journal (2002)