The Catholic University of America was incorporated under the laws of the District of Columbia in 1887. Its original incorporation was supplemented and amended by an Act of Congress in 1928. The campus is located in the northeast quadrant of Washington with a main entrance at Michigan Avenue and Fourth Street, N.E. University offices are open from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily, Monday through Friday, except on holidays noted in the Academic Calendar. The University telephone number is 202-319-5000 and its Web address is The Law School number is 202-319-5140.
These Announcements are issued to supply information. Additional information concerning University studies is available in the Student Handbook, which may be viewed online at Each student is responsible for knowing all rules, regulations, policies, and procedures found in both these Announcements and the Student Handbook.
The University reserves the right to advance and revise requirements for graduation and degrees, curricula, schedules, charges for tuition and other fees, and all regulations affecting students, whether incoming or previously enrolled. Inquiries and applications for admission should be directed to the Office of Admissions, The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, Washington, DC 20064; telephone: 202-319-5151. To learn more, visit our website, The Law School telephone number is 202-319-5140 and its campus address is 3600 John McCormack Road, N.E., Washington, D.C. 20064.
Academic Calendar
Academic Freedom and Freedom of Expression
Academic Resources
Academic Rules
Admissions Requirements
Changes and Notices
Course Descriptions
First Year Courses and Upper Level Course Requirements
Faculty and Staff
Fee and Expenses
Financial Aid
Graduation Requirements
Honors Awards and Prizes
Law School Building and Campus
Learning Outcomes
Message from the President
Mission Statement of the Columbus School of Law
Notification of Law School About Criminal Charges and Convictions
Parent Policy
Payment Plans
Records and Transcripts
Return of Federal Student Aid Funds
Rules of Professional Conduct
Statement of Financial Responsibility
Tuition Refund Policy