The Special Operations Warrior Foundation ensures full financial assistance for a post-secondary degree from an accredited two or four-year college, university, technical, or trade school; and offers family and educational counseling, including in-home tutoring, to the surviving children of Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps special operations personnel who lose their lives in the line of duty.
The Special Operations Warrior Foundation also provides immediate financial assistance to severely wounded and hospitalized special operations personnel.
The night featured door prizes that included a signed football from the Redskins, a signed baseball from the Nationals, CUA Law t-shirts from the bookstore, and gift baskets with course discounts from bar review courses. As in previous years, the night featured guest bartenders. This year's bartenders included Professors Duggin, Harmon, Kurth, La Belle, Leary, Perez, and our Registrar, Stuart Schept, and the guest bartender who won the trophy for raising the most money was Professor Leary. Margaret O'Neill (2L), president of the Military and National Security Law Student Association, said "Thank you to everyone for contributing to this great organization and making this event successful for the 4th year in a row! Special thanks to the other student organizations which co-sponsored the event and our special guest bartenders"