April 12, 2022

On April 12, 2022, J. Joel Alicea, assistant professor of law and director of the Project on Constitutional Originalism and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT), was a featured guest on an episode of Advisory Opinions. Advisory Opinions is a podcast from The Dispatch hosted by Sarah Isgur and David French. The two Harvard Law graduates discuss law, culture, religion, and society on their bi-weekly show. Alicea discussed his new law review article, “The Moral Authority of Original Meaning” which will be published in Notre Dame Law Review (forthcoming). Alicea also briefly discussed CIT, a new initiative at the Columbus School of Law that examines the relationship between the Catholic intellectual tradition and American constitutionalism.

The Dispatch - Advisory Opinions
By: Sarah Isgur and David French
Date: April 12, 2022
The Argument for Originalism

"I think it is important to instead say, 'No. Natural-law tradition is rich and vibrant and complex. And therefore, understanding how it applies within the context of our particular American regime — with our distinct history, our distinct Constitution, and our traditions is complicated and it can't be reduced to we need the right outcomes in cases.'"

Click here to listen to Alicea on Advisory Opinions. His introduction and appearance begin at the 15:20 minute mark.