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Invest in Your Future with a School that Supports You

Whether you are a prospective student or a current student we are committed to providing you with friendly, comprehensive, and high-quality service. The Financial Aid Office at Catholic Law strives to provide supportive guidance through the sometimes daunting financial aid process to find the best options for our students.

Recently admitted to Catholic Law? Congratulations!

Be sure to review the various links on this page, especially the Apply for Aid - First Year Students link below. This page contains a checklist for First Year students related to receiving financial aid. If you don't find what you want on these pages, please do not hesitate to contact us. We are happy to assist you.

law school entranceHow to Apply for Financial Aid at Catholic Law

The Financial Aid team at Catholic Law has created checklists to assist you with the process to apply for aid as a first-year student, a returning student who is a first-time borrower, and a continuing student who is a prior borrower. The team has also created informational pages for international students looking for financial aid, current students looking for summer stipends/financial aid, and veterans who are looking to access what benefits are available to them. As you work your way through the financial aid process, keep in mind the Financial Aid team is here to help with any questions you have throughout the process. 

Apply for Aid Checklists and Informational Pages

Scholarships to Fund Your Legal Journey

Whether you finance your legal education through loans or a combination of loans and scholarships, law school is a sound and fulfilling investment in yourself and your future. Catholic Law is pleased to be able to offer a variety of scholarship opportunities to our students.

Additional Financial Aid Resources

Catholic Law's Financial Aid team manages the processes associated with financing a law school education. These include scholarships (most of which are awarded by the Admissions Office) and various student loan programs. The office plays a major role in guiding students step-by-step through the associated tasks, and monitoring each student’s progress from beginning to end.

The Financial Aid Office also provides information to graduating students about loan repayment options and guides them in establishing an appropriate relationship with their assigned loan servicer. The Office also maintains information about post-graduate loans available to assist graduates with living expenses during the bar-study period. 

Below are links to various resources for our students that share information related to graduation and post-graduation, policies and dislosures, as well as important and useful websites and phone numbers.



Admissions Cost of Attendance Academics