“My time at CUA Law School was a time of intellectual, moral, and spiritual growth that prepared me for the challenges of being a lawyer and a law professor. It was the impetus for my deep and abiding commitment to the study and teaching of natural law, which I did for nearly 50 years as a law professor at Seton Hall Law School.”
Michael P. Ambrosio received his B.A. degree from Montclair State University in 1963 and his J.D. degree from The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law in 1966. After three years as a staff attorney for Newark-Essex Legal Services, he joined the faculty of Seton Hall Law School in 1970. He currently teaches Professional Responsibility (which he has taught for 36 years), Legal Malpractice, Remedies, and a Law and Morality Seminar. He has taught Jurisprudence (for 25 years), Contracts (for 20 years), Commercial Law, Torts, Business Associations, and Trial Practice. Ambrosio was the founder and first director of the law school clinical program. As a visiting professor at Southwestern University Law School, in Los Angeles, California, he designed and taught materials for an experimental two-year law school program with a curriculum emphasizing legal theory and practical skills training. Ambrosio has written extensively on the legal profession, legal ethics, and legal malpractice. He served as Vice-Chair and Reporter to the New Jersey Bar Committee to Evaluate the Proposed ABA Model Rules of Professional Conduct and as the Bar's representative on the New Jersey Supreme Court Debevoise Committee to Evaluate the Proposed ABA Model Rules. More recently, he was a member of the New Jersey Supreme Court's Pollack Commission on the Rules of Professional Conduct. He has lectured extensively in ICLE programs including lectures to newly admitted attorneys as part of the New Jersey Supreme Court Skills and Methods program for more than 25 years. He is a consultant to lawyers on ethical and malpractice issues, has argued numerous cases before the New Jersey Supreme Court, and has appeared as an attorney or as a legal expert in more than 300 cases involving legal malpractice, attorney discipline, or attorney disqualification.