April 01, 2019
CUA Law Professor Stacy Brustin was appointed to the American Academy of Arts & Sciences project, Making Justice Accessible: Designing Legal Services for the 21st Century, focusing on Family Law.

D.C. Access to Justice Commission Board

Designing Legal Services for the 21st Century will gather information about the national need for improved legal access, and curate the innovations piloted around the country to fill this need, in order to advance a set of clear, national recommendations for closing the justice gap-between supply and demand for legal services.

The project will provide a national overview of the crisis in legal services but focus on four common categories of civil legal problems: family, housing, veterans affairs and health care. By addressing these issues case studies within the larger context of legal services, the project will identify practical recommendations to address challenges specific to particular court systems as well solutions to problems that are common across the civil legal spectrum.

This project will build on the research and analysis developed in the Data Collection and Legal Services for Low-income Americans project.