Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan, Judge Robert Wilkins, Judge J. Michelle Childs, and Dean Stephen C. Payne featured with law student ushers Judith Crews '24, Joey Lopes '25, and Julie Orlando '24. Not appearing in the photo are Sophie Lovett ’26 and Sarah Webster ’26, who also served as ushers.
On April 11, 2024, the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit (D.C. Circuit) held oral arguments at The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law (Catholic Law). Chief Judge Sri Srinivasan, Judge Robert Wilkins, and Judge J. Michelle Childs presided over three cases brought before the Court in the Law School’s Walter A. Slowinski Courtroom.
Before calling the first case, Chief Judge Srinivasan welcomed members of the Catholic Law community, the parties and their attorneys, Court staff, and members of the public and press, citing the opportunity to continue the historical tradition of “circuit riding,” a practice dating back to the Judiciary Act of 1789 that required Supreme Court Justices to travel to regional circuit courts and which continued for well over a century.
Chief Judge Srinivasan also described the D.C. Circuit’s more modern take on riding circuit. In 2013, then-Chief Judge Merrick Garland began the Court’s practice of visiting all six law schools located in the District of Columbia over the following six years. After a hiatus during the pandemic, the April 11 visit marked the D.C. Circuit’s return to its once-regular practice of visiting local law schools.
Dean Stephen C. Payne emphasized the unique educational opportunity the visit afforded students and thanked the Court for choosing Catholic Law as their first stop on the tour of schools since the pandemic.
Following the hearings, judges, clerks, and staff from the D.C. Circuit joined members of the Catholic Law community for a reception.