May 21, 2024

Ex Corde FellowsL to R: Kevin Walsh, Jessica Alhanouch, Emily Burton, Eric Jensen, Emily Johnson, Alejandra Pazzi-Linz, and Elizabeth Kirk

Professor WalshOn May 16 the Center for Law and the Human Person (CLHP) and the Project on Constitutional Originalism and the Catholic Intellectual Tradition (CIT) celebrated the newly inducted Ex Corde Fellows. Professor Kevin Walsh, Co-Director of CIT, and Professor Elizabeth Kirk, Co-Director of CLHP, welcomed those in attendance and presented the Fellows with their cords and certificates. The ceremony was held in the Walter A. Slowinski courtroom.

The Ex Corde Fellowship is a joint program of CLHP and CIT for current students at The Catholic University of America. The designation as an Ex Corde Fellow is awarded upon graduation to those students who participate significantly in the fellowship and formation activities offered during their time as law students. To learn more about the Fellowship, click here.

The following students were presented with cords and certificates:

Jessica Ray Alhanouch, B.A.
Emily Elaine Burton, B.A.
Eric Acero Jensen, B.S.
Emily Florence Johnson, B.A.
Eleni Moukas, B.A.
Alejandra Pazzi-Linz, B.S.