Jimmy Maher, a second-year student at Catholic Law, was recently spotlighted in The Washington Post for his return to stand-up comedy after a nearly five-year hiatus. He took the stage at the Crystal City Sports Pub in Arlington, Virginia, marking a return to the spotlight. Reflecting on the connection between comedy and law school, Maher shared, "I think law school and stand-up comedy have a lot in common. In both, you experience highs and lows, and you take every bit of feedback to improve. No matter how much you prepare, there’s always the chance someone will throw you a curveball, and you have to stay calm and adapt. While both law school and comedy can be challenging, the people around you genuinely want to see you succeed. Honestly, a cold call in Civil Procedure is far more intimidating than bombing at an open mic."
When asked why he chose to pursue law school, Maher explained, "I wanted to move away from the corporate, work-from-home lifestyle and refocus my career on helping people rather than improving a company’s bottom line. I was drawn to the Columbus School of Law because of my faith, the collaborative environment, and the smaller, more intimate class sizes. Choosing to come here has been one of the best decisions of my life."
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