The Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD) at The Catholic University of America, Columbus School of Law, Washington, D.C., will entertain reciprocal service requests to accommodate students and alumni from other law schools.


The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law (Catholic Law) Office of Career and Professional Development (OCPD) will entertain reciprocal service requests to accommodate students and alumni from other law schools outside of the Washington, DC area. The following contains guidelines for grants, denials, and requests:

  1. Requests for services must be made in writing from a career services official at the visitor's law school. In order for OCPD to accept a request for reciprocity, the visitor's own law school must be willing to render in-kind services to Catholic Law students and alumni. Requests may be emailed to; please allow a reasonable amount of time for a response. No walk-in or phone requests will be honored.
  2. Reciprocity will be granted on a one-for-one basis, only to the student for whom the request was made. In return, during the same academic year, Catholic Law expects reciprocity to be granted to one of its students if requested.
  3. The service available from OCPD under reciprocal agreement includes access to online job postings through the 12twenty platform not to exceed three months. Reciprocity services do not include access to participation in on- or off-campus recruitment programs or counseling services.
  4. Reciprocal requests/grants cannot be entertained during the Summer/Fall on-campus interview (OCI) season, mid-June through September. All reciprocity requests, made by either Catholic Law students or visiting students, will go unprocessed during that time. All reciprocity agreements granted prior to that time will expire at the onset of OCI season. Those seeking to reactivate privileges must reapply for reciprocity beginning in October.
  5. It is the policy of the Washington, DC area law schools that an individual may only be served by one area school at any given time. Therefore, reciprocity requests should go to only one Washington, DC area law school during the three-month reciprocity period. If denied, applications may be sent to other surrounding schools until granted.
  6. OCPD may choose to terminate reciprocity privileges of individuals who violate policies or misuse facilities and/or services.