Catherine F. Klein Headshot


  • Columbus School of Law
  • Expertise

  • Domestic Violence
  • Family Law
  • Clinical Legal Education
  • Professional Ethics
  • International Legal Education Reform
  • Catherine F. Klein is the Director of Columbus Community Legal Services, the law school’s highly regarded in-house clinical program. Professor Klein co-directs the Families and the Law Clinic, one of the first law school clinical programs in the United States designed to address domestic violence through individual representation, community outreach and education and legislative advocacy.

    At Columbus Community Legal Services, Professor Klein teaches and supervises in the holistic representation of clients in a variety of family law cases including emergency domestic violence remedies, complex domestic relations cases involving domestic violence, and immigration. Professor Klein conducts classes on substantive law and procedure topics related to the clinic’s practice and rules of professional responsibility. Professor Klein also supervises students involved in community outreach and legal education projects that serve the Washington, DC community.

    Additionally, Professor Klein works in cooperation with other community advocates for systemic changes to improve the delivery of services and legal remedies available to domestic violence victims. She helped create curricula for educating police officers and judges about domestic violence, as well as conducted numerous training sessions on domestic violence for police, judges, lawyers and other national and international groups. Professor Klein has written numerous articles on domestic violence, family law and clinical education.

    While at The Columbus School of Law, Professor Klein has served as an advisor to faculty and students at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow, Poland. With support from the Ford Foundation, Professor Klein and Professor Leah Wortham have assisted the faculty at Jagiellonian to establish the first legal clinics in Poland. JU's innovative programs serve as a model for other schools in Poland, Central and Eastern Europe. Professor Klein's work was recognized in Jagiellonian's award of its Merentibus Medal to CUA in June 2008. Professor Klein has also served as a volunteer trainer and mentor for law professors and lawyers in many countries, including Eastern and Central Europe and the Middle East.

    Professor Klein has helped design and has participated in numerous local, national and international conferences, colloquia, and workshops on legal education, professional responsibility, human rights and violence against women. Since 2004, Professor Klein has served as a member of the Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE) Steering Committee.  She has participated in the GAJE worldwide conferences in Trivandrum, India, Durban, South Africa, Krakow, Poland, Cordoba, Argentina, Manila, The Philippines, Valencia, Spain and Delhi, India. Professor Klein was Co-Chair of the GAJE North American Regional Conference in New York City in May 2006 and helped plan a GAJE Regional CLE conference in Jordan in 2012. She served as Chair of the Planning Committee for the GAJE Delhi conference in 2013.  Professor Klein also remains active in the Clinical Section of the American Association of Law Schools.


    J.D., University of Cincinnati College of Law (Order of the Coif)
    B.A., Philosophy, Northwestern University (Phi Beta Kappa)


    Professor Klein has received several awards for outstanding community service in the area of domestic violence, including the Watts Empowerment Award from WEAVE in 2008 and the D.C. Coalition Against Domestic Violence Public Service Award in 1989 and 1994.

    Jagiellonian University's Merentibus Medal to CUA recognizes Klein's contribution to developing JU's clinical program (2008)   


    Research and Writing


    Teaching About Justice By Teaching With Justice: Global Perspectives on Clinical Legal Education and Rebellious Lawyering, with Richard Roe (US), Mizanur Rahman Bangladesh), Dipika Jain (India), Abhayraj Naik (India), Natalia Martinuzzi Castilho (Brazil), Taysa Schiocchet (Brazil), Sunday Kenechukwu Agwu (Nigeria), Olinda Moyd (US), Bianca Sukrow (Germany), and Christoph König (Germany), Wash U. J. of Law & Policy, Vol. 68, 2022.

    Domestic Violence Section in District of Columbia Practice Manual, 2021 edition (with Deborah Epstein (Georgetown Univ.) and Andrew Budzinski (UDC) published by the District of Columbia Bar Association.

    Exploring the Role of Emotions in Clinical Legal Education, with Kate Seear (Monash Univ.), Lisa Bliss (GSU), Paula Galowitz (NYU), The Law Teacher, Routledge Publishers, 2019.

    Preface, Epistemic Communities at the Boundaries of Law: Clinics as a Paradigm in the Revolution of Legal Education in the European Mediterranean Context, edited by Cecelia Blengino (Univ. of Turin) and Andrés Gascón-Cuenca (Univ. of Valencia), 2019.

    Building on Best Practices: Transforming Legal Education in a Changing World (Deborah Maranville, Lisa Radtke Bliss, Carolyn Wilkes Kaas & Antoinette Sedillo Lopez eds., and (2015) Chapter 5 “Implementing Effective Education in Specific Contexts” co-author.

    Formation and Transformation: The Role of Personal Integrity and Professional Identity in Legal System Change: A Tribute to Ernest Ojukwu SAN, (2015) (with Leah Wortham).

    Autonomy-Mastery-Purpose: Structuring Clinical Courses to Enhance These Critical Educational Goals, with Leah Wortham (CUA) and Beryl Blaustone (CUNY), Int’l J. of Clinical Legal Education (2012).

    Teaching Social Justice Lawyering: Systematically Including Community Legal Education in Law School Clinics, with Margaret Martin Barry (CUA), Lisa Martin (CUA), A. Rachel Camp (Univ. of Baltimore) and Margaret Johnson (Univ. of Baltimore), 18 Clinical L. Rev. 401 (2012).

    Foundations of Modern Clinical Legal Education: Perspectives from Australia, Canada, the United Kingdom and the United States,” with Roger Burridge (UK), Shelley Gavigan (Canada) and Jeff Giddings (Australia), Chapter One, The Global Clinical Movement: Educating Lawyers for Social Justice, Frank Bloch, Editor, Oxford Press (2010).

    Justice Education and the Evaluation Process: Crossing Boarders, with Margaret Martin Barry(CUA) , Martin Geer (UNLV), Ved Kumari (Univ. of Delhi), 28 Wash. U. J. Law and Policy 195 (2008).

    Border Crossings: Understanding the Civil, Criminal and Immigration Implications for Battered Women Fleeing Across State Lines with Their Children, with Lesley E. Orloff and Hema Sarangapani, Family Law Quarterly, Vol. 39, No.1 Spring 2005. 

    The Implications of the Hague International Child Abduction Convention: Cases and Practice (with Leslye Orloff, Laura Martinez, Jennifer Rose and Joyce Noche) in Breaking Barriers: A Complete Guide to Legal Rights and Resources for Battered Women (2005).

    Legal Clinics and University Mission, with Leah Wortham (CUA) in Studencka Poradnia Prawna: Idea, Organizacja, Metodologia 16 (2005) (Dariusz Zomowski ed.). This is a book sponsored by the Polish Legal Clinics Foundation (Fundacja Uniwersytechkich Poradni Prawnych) and published by C. H. Beck Publishing. An English translation is available at

    Early Interventions: Domestic Violence Education for Teens, with Margaret Martin Barry (CUA) and Leigh Goodmark (UB), in Creative Child Advocacy: Global Perspectives, Sage- India (2004).

    Deconstructing Teresa O'Brien: A Role Play for Domestic Violence Clinics, with Leigh Goodmark (UB), 23 St. Louis Univ. Pub. L. Rev. 253 (2004); another version was published in Klinika (4)1 2004 (Polish Legal Clinics Journal).

    Civil Protection Orders, with Leslye E. Orloff, in The Impact of Domestic Violence on Your Practice 2nd Ed., American Bar Association (2004). 

    Enforcement of Civil Protection Orders, with Leslye E. Orloff, in The Impact of Domestic Violence on Your Practice 2nd Ed., American Bar Association (2004).

    International Kidnapping Prevention and The Hague Convention, with Leslye E. Orloff, in The Impact of Domestic Violence on Your Practice 2nd Ed., American Bar Association (2004).

    Teen Dating Violence, with Karen Cunningham, in The Impact of Domestic Violence on Your Practice 2nd Ed., American Bar Association (2004).

    Clinical Education and University Mission, with Leah Wortham (CUA), Chapter in Manual on Clinical Education, published by Polish Legal Clinics Foundation (2003).

    Protecting Battered Women: Latest Trends in Civil Legal Relief, with Leslye E. Orloff, Vol.10 Women & Criminal Justice 29 (1999); published also in Women and Domestic Violence, Lynette Feder, editor, Haworth Press, New York (1999).

    With No Place To Turn: Improving Legal Advocacy for Battered Immigrant Women, with Leslye E. Orloff and Deeana Jang, 29 Family L. Q. 313 (1995).

    Representing A Victim of Domestic Violence, with Leslye E. Orloff, 17 Family Advocate 25 (ABA 1995).

    Coordinating Family Violence Cases: A Suggested Approach, Juvenile and Family Justice Today, Vol.1, No. 4 (1993).

    Providing Legal Protection for Battered Women: An Analysis of State Statutes and Case Law, with Leslye E. Orloff, (a 400 page analysis of all state protection order statutes and published case law to date), 21 Hofstra L. Rev. 801 (1993).


    Presenter, The ‘Aha’ Moment: Understanding and Creating Transformative Learning Experiences, with Lisa Bliss (GSU), Paula Galowitz (NYU), Ulrich Stege (Int. Univ. College of Turin-IUC), European Network of Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE) Conference, Univ. of Amsterdam, July 2024.

    Presenter, Let’s Give Them Something to Talk About: Classroom Exercises and Activities That Promote Open Discussion of Race, Class, Gender, and Power, with Lisa Bliss (GSU), Charisma Howell (Georgetown), Catherine Klein (CUA), AALS Clinical Conference, St. Louis, MO, May 2024.

    Presenter, Leading A Clinical Law Program, with Binny Miller (AU), Laurie Kohn (GWU), Alicia Plerhoples (Georgetown), Jaime Lee (UB), Mid-Atlantic Clinical Legal Education Conference, Baltimore, MD, February 2024.

    Presenter, Trauma-Informed Lawyering, with Marzia Barbera (Brescia Univ.), Paula Galowitz (NYU), virtual, Italian Network of Clinical Legal Education, March 2024.

    Presenter, Design a New Class on Non-Racist/Pro-Equity Legal Practice, with Lisa Bliss (GSU), Anna Cody (Dean, Western Sydney Univ.), European Network of Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE), Liverpool, UK, July 2023.

    Presenter, Cross-Fertilization: Models for Clinical Partnerships and Collaborations, with Jeff Giddings (Monash Univ.) European Network of Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE), Liverpool, UK, July 2023.

    Presenter, Enhancing Clinical Legal Education in Europe: 10 years of ENCLE - reflections and what's yet to come! with Anna Cody (Australia), Filip Czernicki (Poland), Paul McKeown (UK), European Network of Clinical Legal Education Conference (ENCLE), Liverpool, England, July 2023.

    Presenter, Effective Practices for Cross-jurisdictional Clinical Collaborations, with Peter Joy (Wash. U.), Lisa Bliss (GSU), Jeff Giddings (Monash Univ.), Jonny Hall (Northumbria Univ.), Olinda Moyd (American Univ), Maxim Tomoszek (Palacky Univ), Leah Wortham (CUA), AALS Clinical Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 2023.

    Presenter, Trauma-Informed Lawyering: Tools for Socially Relevant Justice Education, with Marzia Barbera (Brescia Univ.), Daven Dass (Univ. of Witwatersrand), Paula Galowitz (NYU), Global Alliance for Justice Education (GAJE), Stellenbosch University, December 2022; and Co-Chair/Organizer, 2 Day Training of Trainers Program.

    Presenter, Enhancing Clinical Education for Our Students and Ourselves through Global Collaboration, with Kenechukwu Agwu (Baze Univ., Abuja), Maxim Tomoszek (Palacky Univ.), Gillian Dutton (Seattle Univ.), Jonny Hall (Northumbria Univ.), Nancy Mauer (Albany), Olinda Moyd (Howard Univ.), Leah Wortham (CUA), AALS Clinical Conference, virtual, May 2022.

    Presenter, Virtual Law Clinics Promoting Access to Justice During the Pandemic and Beyond, with Lindsay Ernst (Univ. of Hong Kong), Ulrich Stege (Int’l Univ. College of Turin-IUC), Bharti Yadav (National Law Univ. – Delhi), Transnational Conference on the Future of Legal Education, The Practice of Law and the Judiciary, virtual conference, February 2021.

    Presenter and Organizer as part of a series of virtual programs on Initiatives in Legal Education with the Roya Institute: Critical Thinking and Analysis, with Charisma Howell (Georgetown Univ.) and Richard Roe (Georgetown Univ.); Intensive Experiences, with Charisma Howell (Georgetown Univ.) and Richard Roe (Georgetown Univ.); Let’s Set Up A Legal Clinic, with 3 Lisa Bliss (GSU), Masoud Noori (Roya Institute), Richard Roe (Georgetown Univ.); Specialized Legal Clinics, with Mohamed Mattar (Qatar Univ.), Fall 2020.

    Presenter, Designing or Re-Designing a Clinic for Justice Education, with Lisa Bliss, (GSU College of Law) Anna Cody, (Western Sydney Univ. School of Law), Paula Galowitz, (NYU School of Law), Ulrich Stege, (Int’l University College of Turin), 10 th GAJE Worldwide Conference, Pasundan University, Bandung, Indonesia, December 2019.

    Presenter, Enhancing Justice at the Borders: Students as Promoters of Migrants’ Human Rights, with Lindsay Ernst (Univ. of Hong Kong), Andrés Gascón Cuenca (Univ. of Valencia), Pilar Férnandez-Artiach (Univ. of Valencia), Ulrich Stege (Int’l University College of Turin), 10 th GAJE Worldwide Conference, Pasundan University, Bandung, Indonesia, December 2019.

    Organizer and Presenter: 2 Day Training of Trainers Program. Co-Chair (with Lisa Radtke Bliss (Georgia State University) and Maxim Tomoszek (Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic) and Odinakaonye Lagi (NULAI, Nigeria) of designing and organizing a two-day Training of Trainers Program at 10 th Worldwide Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference, December 2019. The TOT was attended by 200 law professors from more than 30 countries.

    Co-presenter at GAJE Award Ceremony, presenting Professor Frank S. Block (Vanderbilt University) with the inaugural Dr. N R Madhava Menon Award, Bandung, Indonesia. December 2019.

    Presenter, The Role of Risk Taking in Justice Education, with Paula Galowitz (NYU) and Ulrich Stege (Int’l Univ. College of Turin), IJCLE Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, July 2019.

    Presenter, More Roads to Rome: Considering Alternative Conceptions for Educating Lawyers for a Just Society, with Nancy Maurer (Albany) and Leah Wortham (CUA), IJCLE Conference, Bratislava, Slovakia, July 2019.

    Presenter, Creating Safe Spaces for Learning Through Disorienting Moments in Unsafe, Polarizing Times: Developing a Tool Box, with Jon Dubin (Rutgers Univ.) and Paula Galowitz (NYU), AALS Clinical Conference, San Francisco, CA, May 2019.

    Presenter, What Is Street Law? with Lindsay Ernst (Hong Kong Univ,) and Richard Roe (Georgetown Univ.) , Street Law in Asia Conference, Hong Kong University, March 2019.

    Keynote presentation: “Supporting Students to Act Consistently with Their Values,” with Leah Wortham (CUA), Lisa Bliss (GSU), and Pamela Taylor-Barnett (ANU), International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference, Melbourne, Australia, December 2018.

    Presenter, “Reflection, Emotions, and Student Wellbeingat Workshop on Reflective Practices in Legal Education, with Lisa Bliss (GSU), Paula Galowitz (NYU) and Kate Speear (Monash University), Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, November 27, 2018.

    Presenter, “Clinical Collaboration: Who, What and Why? Students Education and the Impact on Society” with Pilar Férnandez-Artiach, University of Valencia (Spain), Andrés Gascón-Cuenca, University of Valencia (Spain), Cecilia Blengino, University of Turin (Italy), Silvia Mondino, University of Turin (Italy), European Network of Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE) Conference, Turin, Italy, September 20-22, 2018.

    Trainer/Presenter: Street Law, Train the Trainers Workshop with Jeff Giddings (Australia), David Mcquoid-Mason (South Africa), José García Añón (Spain), Catherine Klein (USA), sponsored by Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, Prato, Italy, May 31–June 1, 2018.

    Presenter, "Many Roads to Rome? A Dialogue on Promoting Social Justice Using Other Frameworks" with Cindy Adcock (Elon) and Susan Brooks (Drexel), Externship Conference, University of Georgia March 9-11, 2018.

    GAJE 9 th Worldwide Conference: “Breaking Down Walls: The Transformative Power of Justice Education” Puebla, Mexico, Member, Conference Planning Committee. Workshop Presenter: “Using the Principles of “Giving Voice to Values” to Help Students Promote Social Justice,” with Paula Galowitz (NYU), Catherine Klein (CUA), Leah Wortham (CUA), Ulrich Stege (Int’l Univ. College of Turin), Kendall Kerew (GSU), Lisa Bliss (GSU), December 2017.

    GAJE Mexico Training of Trainers Program, Program Co-chair with Lisa Bliss (GSU) and Maxim Tomoszek (Palacký), Tlaxcala, Mexico; Hosted By: The Universidad Autónoma of Tlaxcala, December 11-12, 2017.

    Presentation: “Giving Voice to Values:” Helping Students Identify and Clarify Their Values and Fulfil Current and Future Responsibilities to Clients, Society, and Themselves, with Lisa Bliss, (Georgia State University), Paula Galowitz, (New York University), Kendall Kerew, (Georgia State University), Leah Wortham, (The Catholic University of America), AALS Clinical Conference, Denver, CO, May 5-9, 2017.

    Presenter and Organizer: 2-Day Training Workshop for Clinical Teachers and Trainers: Developing Best Practices, Department of Law, University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy, with Paula Galowitz, New York University School of Law (USA), Andrés Gascón-Cuenca, University of Valencia (Spain) and Ulrich Stege, Int’l Univ. College of Turin (Italy), March 9-10, 2017.

    Presenter, “Giving Voice to Values (GVV): Filling a Gap in Educating for Ethical Action,” (with Leah Wortham (USA), Veronika Tomoszkova (Czech Republic), Paula Galowitz (USA) and “Roundtable Discussion: Is Europe Different?” (with José García-Añón (Spain), Marzia Barbera (Italy), Leah Wortham (USA), Eleonora Zielińska (Poland), Richard Wilson (USA) at European Network of Clinical Legal Education (ENCLE) Conference, Valencia, Spain, October 27-28, 2016.

    Presenter, “Comparative Approaches to Teaching Professional Responsibility in the Public Interest.” (with Marzia Barbera, (Univ. of Brescia), Anna Cody (Univ. of New South Wales), Paula Galowitz (NYU) and Mohamed Mattar (Qatar Univ.), International Legal Ethics 5 Conference, Fordham University, New York, NY, July 14-16, 2016.

    Presenter, Our Stories: Our Client Communities, Our Students and Ours, (with Marzia Barbera (Italy), Pilar Fernández Artiach (Spain), Paula Galowitz (USA), and Ernest Ojukwu (Nigeria)), International Journal of Clinical Legal Education (IJCLE) Conference, Toronto, Canada, July 12, 2016.

    Presentation: AALS Clinical Conference, Baltimore, MD, April 30-May 3, 2016: Fringe or Not? The Role of Street Law, Know Your Rights and Other Community Engagement Pedagogies in Social Justice Education, with Beryl Blaustone (CUNY), Paula Galowitz (NYU), Catherine F. Klein (CUA), and Richard Roe (Georgetown).

    European Network of Clinical Legal Education Conference, (R)EVOLUTION OF CLINICS IN EUROPE, Opening Plenary: Alliances Between Refugee Law Clinics in Europe; Concurrent Presentation, concurrent presentation: “Teaching Legal Ethics in Clinics” with Maxim Tomoszek (Czech Republic), Leah Wortham (USA), Budapest, Hungary, October 26-27, 2015.

    Tenth Anniversary of Clinical Legal Education Conference, Warsaw, Poland and Workshop on Street Law Clinics: Goals and Methodology, Street Law Train the Trainers Workshop, Co- sponsored by Koszminski University and the Polish Legal Foundation, October, 2015.

    Global Alliance for Justice Education 8 th Worldwide Conference: member of Planning Committee, Program Committee, Nomination Committee, TOT Committee. Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, July 22-28, 2015.

    Presenter: Keeping the Focus on Social Justice in our Clinics in an Environment of Competing Priorities, 8 th Worldwide Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference (GAJE), Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, (with Marzia Barbera (Brescia), Paula Galowitz (NYU), and Ulrich Stege (IUC-Turin). Presenter: “Should Law Schools Use Prescriptive Curriculums?” (with Guadalupe Barrena (Mexico), Filip Czernicki (Poland), David McQuoid-Mason (South Africa), Ernest Ojukwu (Nigeria), Leah Wortham (USA), Fryderyk Zoll (Poland), GAJE Conference, Anadolu University, July 2015.

    Co-Chair (with Lisa Radtke Bliss (Georgia State University) and Maxim Tomoszek (Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic) of designing and organizing a two-day Training of Trainers Program at 8 th Worldwide Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference, Anadolu University, Eskişehir, Turkey, July 27-29, 2015. The TOT was attended by 200 law professors from 50 countries. TOT Presenter: Why Do We Teach? (with Freda Grealy (Law Society of Ireland), Richard Roe (Georgetown)); Small Group Facilitator on Day Two (with Veronika Tomoszkova, Czech Republic) and co-presenter Closing Session of TOT. (2015).

    Presentation: Incorporating the Roots of Critical Pedagogy into Multi-Disciplinary Approaches to Clinics: From Roots to New Blooms, (with Paula Galowitz (NYU) and Beryl Blaustone (CUNY) 2015 AALS Conference on Clinical Legal Education, Rancho Mirage, California, May 5, 2015.

    Presenter, Teaching to Scaffolding: Utilizing Interdisciplinary Knowledge and Building Effective Multidisciplinary Teams in Our Clinical Programs, with Paula Galowitz (NYU), Panel Presentation: The Externship Clinic for the Benefit of Marginalized Communities, 12th Annual International Journal of Clinical Legal Education Conference, Olomouc and Prague, Czech Republic, July 14-18, 2014.

    Presenter, Legal Ethics Education Beyond Common Law Countries (2-part panel presentation), International Legal Ethics Conference 6, with Fahad Al-Zumai, (Kuwait University); Kamila Mateeva, (American University of Central Asia, Bishkek, Kyrgyz Republic), Ernest Ojukwu, (President, Network of University Legal Aid Institutions, Nigeria), Lidija Šimunović, (University of J.J.Strossmayer, Osijek, Croatia), Ulrich Stege, (International University College of Turin, Italy), Jose García-Añón, (Member of the Human Rights Institute; Director of the International Human Rights Clinic in the Legal Clinic for Social Justice, University of Valencia, Spain), Juan Beca, (Director of the Ethics Center, Theological Studies Institute, Catholic University of Temuco, Chile), Sverre Blandhol, (University of Oslo, Norway), Nattakan Chomputhong, (Bridges Across Borders Southeast Asia Clinical Legal Education Initiative) (BABSEA CLE) Chiang Mai, Thailand, Magdalena Klauze, (University of Łodz, Poland), Yasutomo Morigiwa, (Nagoya University, Japan), Maxim Tomoszek, Palacký University, Olomouc, Czech Republic), City Univ. Law School, London, UK, July 10-12, 2014.

    Presentations, Clinical Methodologies, Theory and Practice: Clinic Interviewing and Case Theory Demonstration and Exercise; Moving Clinical Education Forward: Overcoming Challenges to Establishing and Expanding Clinical Work, Third Middle East Regional Conference on Clinical Legal Education, sponsored by The Protection Project, Johns Hopkins School for Advanced International Studies, Istanbul, Turkey, May 26-27, 2014.

    Presenter, The Global Clinical Experience: What Is It and Why Do It?; Possible Goals for Clinical Programs; and, Possible Models and Important Considerations in Establishing A Clinic; International Workshop on Legal Clinics, sponsored by Anadolu University and Raoul Wallenberg Institute, Eskisehir, Turkey, May 23, 2014.

    Presentation: Clinicians Aging Wisely, (with Paula Galowitz (NYU), Laurie Kohn (GW) AALS Clinical Conference, Chicago, IL, April 27-30, 2014.

    Chair, Conference Planning Committee for Global Alliance for Justice Education Conference (GAJE), New Delhi, India, December 10-18, 2013. GAJE Conference Presentations at Jindal Global University: Opening Plenary Welcome; Using Self-Determination Theory for Enhanced Effectiveness of Justice Education Programs: Applying Research on Motivation and Happiness to Course Design and Teaching; Training of Trainers Program at NLU-Delhi: Social Justice Goals for Legal Education; Teaching Legal Ethics in Clinics; and Closing Session: Summary of Proceedings.

    Presenter, Teaching Ethics in Clinics: Content and Methodology, International Workshop on Legal Ethics & Professional Responsibility, The Protection Project and University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, November 25-26, 2013.

    Plenary Speaker, Teaching-Learning Methods and Legal Clinic Models, Fifth National Spanish Conference on Legal Education, University of Valencia, Valencia, Spain, September 11-13, 2013.

    Presenter and Participant: AALS Clinical Conference and Clinic Directors Workshop, Considering Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose in Diverse Clinical Models, with Beryl Blaustone (CUNY), Paula Galowitz (NYU), Leah Wortham (CUA), San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 28-May 1, 2013.

    Presenter, Clinical Legal Education: Methods and Goals, 2nd Middle East Regional Symposium on Clinical Legal Education: Developing Clinical Programs and Expanding Access to Justice, Doha, Qatar, March 2013.

    Keynote Speaker, The Many Dimensions of David McQuoid-Mason, with Leah Wortham (CUA), Conference on Law and Access to Justice, Univ. of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa (2012).

    Presenter, Ethics Training in Legal Clinics, Meeting of Polish Law Deans, XVIII National Polish Legal Clinics Conference, Szczecin & Swinoujscie, Poland, 2012.

    Keynote Speaker/ presenter, Getting from Here to There: Identifying Goals and Finding Joy in Our Journey; and Sustainability in Clinical Programs, both with Leah Wortham (CUA), Conference on Complex Law Teaching: Knowledge, Skills & Values, Palacky Univ., Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2012.

    Keynote Speaker, Teaching Students to Minimize Vicarious Trauma and Manage Stress Effectively, with Paula Galowitz (NYU), 10 th Int’l Clinical Legal Education Conf., Durham, UK, July 2012.

    Presenter and Co-organizer, Middle East Regional Colloquium on Clinical Legal Education: Developing Clinical Legal Education Programs and Expanding Access to Justice, Amman, Jordan, May 2012; Presentations: Beyond Individual Client Representation: The Advocacy Role of Legal Clinics; Clinical Legal Education Methodologies: Demonstration and Discussion.

    Presenter, The Challenges of Clinical Legal Education in a Mixed Jurisdiction: McGill Univ. in Quebec as a Case Study, Conference on Mixed Legal Systems, East and West: Newest Trends and Developments, Valletta, Malta, May 2012.

    Presenter, Teaching Students to Manage Stress Effectively and Minimize Vicarious Trauma, with Beryl Blaustone (CUNY), Paula Galowitz (NYU), AALS Clinical Conference, Los Angeles, CA, 2012.

    Presenter, Strengthening the Field Placement Experience in Law Schools Around the Globe, with Ainura Abdyrakunova, (American University of Central Asia), Dubravka Aksamovic, Faculty of Law, Osijek, Croatia, Jeff Giddings, (Griffith), Elida Nogoibaeva, (American University of Central Asia), Ernest Ojukwu, Nigerian Law School, Augustine Nnamani Campus, Enugu, and 8 President Network of University Legal Aid Institutions (NULAI Nigeria), Xiaofeng Wu, (Manager of Open Society Justice Institute Criminal Clinic Project in China), Externship6 Conference, Northeastern Univ. and Harvard Univ., Boston, MA, March 2012.

    Participant, 2nd Doha Forum on Combating Human Trafficking co-sponsored by the Qatar Foundation and the Arab League, in Doha, Qatar, January 16-17, 2012.