Professor Schooner’s scholarship examines the challenges in regulating the financial services industry. She is the co-author of a textbook on international bank regulation: Global Bank Regulation: Principles and Policies (with Michael W. Taylor). Professor Schooner has served as a consultant to the International Monetary Fund and to various federal and state agencies. She teaches courses in the regulation of financial institutions, corporations, contracts, and commercial law. Professor Schooner joined the law faculty at the Columbus School of Law, The Catholic University of America, in 1993. She has been a visiting professor at Suffolk University Law School and at George Washington University Law School. As a practicing lawyer, Professor Schooner was acting general counsel of First American Metro Corp., a bank holding company. She also practiced in the General Counsel's Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission and as an associate with a private law firm. Professor Schooner received her bachelor's degree from Duke University with honors and juris doctor from the Georgetown University Law Center.
Research and Writing
(Book, Book Chapters, Articles)
The Role of Rival Litigation in Wilmarth’s New Glass-Steagall, 93 University of Colorado Law Review 961 (2022)
U.S. Financial Regulatory Structure: Beneath the Surface of Twin Peaks, in THE CAMBRIDGE HANDBOOK OF TWIN PEAKS FINANCIAL REGULATION, Cambridge University Press (Andrew Godwin & Andrew Schmulow, eds) (2021)
Fintech: New Battle Lines in the Patent Wars?, 42 Cardozo Law Review 277 (2020) (with Megan La Belle)
Big Bank Boards: The Case for Heightened Administrative Enforcement, 68 Alabama Law Review 1011 (2017)
U.S. Top-Down Bank Capital Regulation, 55 Washburn Law Review 328 (2016)
Regulating Angels, 50 University of Georgia Law Review 143 (2015)
The Dogma of Capital Regulation as a Response to the Financial Crisis, in THE CHANGING LANDSCAPE OF GLOBAL FINANCIAL GOVERNANCE AND THE ROLE OF SOFT LAW, BRILL Martinus Nijhoff Publishers (Friedl Weiss & Armin Kammel, eds., 2015)
Big Banks and Business Methods Patents, 16 University of Pennsylvania Journal of Business Law 431 (2014) (with Megan La Belle)
U.S. Bank Resolution Reform: Then and Again, in CROSS BORDER INSOLVENCY, Oxford (Rosa Lastra, ed.) (2011)
Gringott’s: The Role of Banks in Harry Potter’s Wizarding World, in THE LAW AND HARRY POTTER, Carolina Press (Jeffrey E. Thomas and Franklin G. Snyder ed., 2010)
Banks and Internet Payment Systems, in COMPARATIVE LAW PORTUGUESE- AMERICAN PERSPECTIVES Vol II (Dario Moura Vicente and Marshal Breger, ed., 2010)
Private Enforcement of Systemic Risk Regulation, 43 Creighton Law Review 993 (2010)
Consuming Debt: Structuring the Federal Response to Abuses in Consumer Credit, 18 LOYOLA CONSUMER LAW REVIEW 43 (2005), reprinted in CONSUMER PROTECTION: DISPUTES AND RESOLUTION (K. Padmaja, ed., 2008)
Bank Insolvency Regimes in the United States and the United Kingdom, 18 The Transnational Lawyer 385 (2005)
The Secrets of Bank Regulation: A Reply to Professor Cohen, 6 The Green Bag 2d 389 (2003)
Central Banks’ Role in Bank Supervision in the United States and United Kingdom, 28 Brooklyn Journal of International Law 411 (2003)
United Kingdom and United States Responses to the Regulatory Challenges of Modern Financial Markets, 38 Texas International Law Journal 317 (2003) (with Michael W. Taylor)
Functional Regulation: The Securitization of Banking Law, in FINANCIAL MODERNIZATION AFTER GRAMM-LEACH-BLILEY 189 (Patricia A. McCoy ed., 2002)
Popular Images of Bankers Reflected in Regulation, 5 The Green Bag 2d 27 (2001)
Convergence and Competition: The Case of Bank Regulation in Britain and the United States, 20 Michigan Journal of International Law 595 (1999) (with Michael W. Taylor)
Regulating Risk Not Function, 66 University of Cincinnati Law Review 441 (1998)
Registration and Regulatory Requirements of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Other Securities Statutes, chapter in BANKING LAW (1998 Rel.) (the original version of this chapter was authored by Vincent Di Lorenzo)
Depository Institution Regulators, chapter in GARY L. EDLES AND JEROME NELSON, FEDERAL REGULATORY PROCESS: AGENCY PRACTICES AND PROCEDURES (2d ed., 1995 & 1997 Supp.)
Refocusing Regulatory Limitations on Banks’ Compensation Practices, 37 Boston College Law Review 861 (1996)
Recent Challenges to the Persistent Dual Banking System, 41 St. Louis University Law Journal 263 (1996)
Fiduciary Duties' Demanding Cousin: Bank Director Liability for Unsafe or Unsound Banking Practices, 63 George Washington Law Review 175 (1995)
Look Before You Lend: A Lender's Guide to Financing Government Contracts Pursuant to the Assignment of Claims Act, 48 Business Lawyer 535 (1993) (with Steve Schooner)
False Claims: Third Annual Survey of White Collar Crime, 22 American Criminal Law Review 367 (1985)
Personnel is Policy, Captured Economy (Nov. 10, 2021)
Testimony, Hearing on Bank Capital and Liquidity Regulation, U.S. Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs (June 7, 2016)
What’s Wrong With Wal Bank?, THE FINANCIAL REGULATOR, Vo. 11, No. 2 at 41 (2006)
OCC Fumbles Over “Bank of Presidents,” THE FINANCIAL REGULATOR, Vol. 9, No. 2 (2004)
Spitzer’s Main Street Beat, THE FINANCIAL REGULATOR, Vol. 8, No. 4, at 21 (2004)
Why didn’t Enron’s board and watchdog howl?, HOUSTON CHRONICLE, February 4, 2002, at 25A
Will Citigroup Deliver Bad Law or Real Reform?, THE FINANCIAL REGULATOR, Vol. 3, No. 1, at 33 (1998)