Securities Law Program Certificate Requirements
Required Courses
- Administrative Law, 3 credits
- Corporations, 3 credits
- Introduction to Securities Law, 3 credits
Electives - Three Required
Advanced Securities Regulation
Corporate Finance Seminar (offered on rotating basis)
Digital Assets/Cryptocurrency (offered on rotating basis)
Mergers and Acquisitions (offered on rotating basis)
Securities Reg.: Civil Litigation, 2 credits (offered on rotating basis)
Securities Reg.: Compliance, 3 credits
Securities Markets Regulation Seminar, 3 credits (offered on rotating basis)
Securities Reg.: Derivatives Seminar, 2 credits
Securities Reg.: Enforcement Procedures and Issues, 2 credits
Securities Regulation: Mutual Funds and Investment Advisers Act, 2 credits
Securities Regulation: Securitization of Assets - A Transactional Approach, 2 credits
Wealth Management
Co-Curricular Courses - Two Recommended
- Antitrust
- Banking Law (offered on rotating basis)
- Bankruptcy (offered on rotating basis)
- Commercial Transactions
- Compliance, Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
- Conducting Internal Investigations
- Corporate Tax (offered on a rotating basis)
- Financial Institutions Regulation (offered on rotating basis)
- Information Privacy
- International Business Transactions (offered on rotating basis)
- International Corruption and Compliance
- Law and Public Policy (offered on rotating basis)
- Legal Accounting or Accounting for Securities Lawyers (offered on rotating basis)
- Legislation: The Making of a Federal Statute (offered on rotating basis)
- Partnership Taxation (offered on rotating basis)
- Risk Management, Audit and Financial Controls
- Statutory Interpretation: Regulatory Analysis in the Administrative State (offered on rotating basis)
- Tax on Wealth Transfers/Estate Planning (offered on rotating basis)
- Unincorporated Business Organizations (offered on rotating basis)
- White Collar and Business Crimes
EXTERNSHIPS - Two Required
Once students have been offered a placement, they must get the placement approved before accepting it. To begin the process of seeking academic credit, complete this application. After your application is approved by Professor Ross, sign the Site Supervisor, Faculty Supervisor and Extern Agreement with your Site Supervisor and email the agreement to Deborah Hawkins ( Professor Ross will sign the agreement and a final copy will be uploaded to a Shared Google Drive folder assigned to you. Please refer to our Externship Information for Law Students page for a complete set of instructions on applying for externship credit and to review the Externship Program Student Handbook.
To receive a certificate in Securities Law, students must complete a writing requirement. There are five
ways to achieve this.
- A major paper may be written as part of the coursework needed for the Securities Law
certificate. - A two-credit Directed Research project may be conducted on a Securities-related issue. (The
Director must approve the paper topic in advance. - A securities regulation-related note or comment may be submitted for publication.
- Participation in the Securities Moot Court team competition in the Spring may also qualify for the writing requirement, as determined by the Director in consultation with the Securities Moot Court Administrator(s).
- Portfolio writing experience as part of a Securities course.
complete and submit the on-line application.