
The 3/3 joint B.A./J.D. program allows students to double-count first-year law courses toward the completion of a B.A. degree and the start of a law degree.

For qualifying students, the 3/3 program permits the achievement of both an undergraduate degree and a J.D. in only six years, saving the cost of a full year of college.

This option responds to a growing desire on some undergraduate campuses in building a strong professional career bridge for their students who are interested in obtaining a law degree. Students may apply to Catholic Law’s condensed dual-degree program if their undergraduate G.P.A. and LSAT score meet certain thresholds.

Under the arrangement, students (with the cooperation of their undergraduate institution) will receive credit towards a bachelor’s degree for law school courses. Typically, such course credits would apply toward meeting elective or distributive requirements. Less often, law school course credit might be allowed to fulfill major requirements.

Law schools are generally allowed to admit students after three years of college, and in many states law school graduates may obtain bar admission and practice law without obtaining a bachelor’s degree. But for many reasons, many law school graduates still choose to obtain a bachelor’s degree before moving to the next level.

For colleges, the 3/3 track is a chance to offer top undergraduate students a clear path to a highly desirable professional degree at an institution where they are highly likely to perform well.

For students, the prospect of saving a year of college tuition and moving more quickly toward obtaining a law degree is particularly attractive.

For further information about the 3/3 program feel free to contact the admissions office at CUA Law by email at admissions@law.edu or by phone 202-319-5151. Below is a list of schools, who are currently participating in the CUA Law 3/3 Program.

3/3 Program Participating Schools

  • The Catholic University of America
  • Marymount University
  • Walsh University