The Rights of Nature (RON) concept promotes granting legal personhood to nature, recognizing its value and addressing flaws in current environmental laws. Rooted in indigenous beliefs and inspired by Western scholarship, RON gained attention with its inclusion in Ecuador's 2008 constitution. Some states are now adopting or considering RON-based solutions. However, questions remain about its impact in societies without indigenous perspectives and its value for environmental protection and sustainability.
To view the webinar, please use this link to the recording -
2023, June 11-July 12 – This year eleven Catholic Law students attended the annual International Business and Trade Summer Law Program (IBTSLP) at the 14th-century Jagiellonian University, in Krakow, Poland. Twenty-three Polish students also participated in the program. The Polish and American students attended classes together and participated in all co-curricular activities together. This cross- cultural aspect of the Program is unique and has resulted in many lasting friendships and business contacts.
2022, May 19 - Comparative and International Law Institute (CILI) students Nassim Nina Ahmadi, Kathleen Helen Koopman Jung, and Ritika R. Malkani received the CILI certificate at the annual Institute and Special Program 2022 Certificate Ceremony.
2022, May 15-June 5 - Catholic Law students attended International Human Rights Summer Law Program in Rome, Italy.
2021, October 25 - Catholic Law International Law Students Association hosted Guest Speaker Laura Bramon Hassan for a virtual discussion about her work and its interaction with legal systems. Hassan is a global child protection expert with twenty years of experience working with the U.S. Government, international agencies, and civic, tribal, and faith leaders to address violence against children in the United States, Africa, Asia, Central and South America, and the Middle East.
2021, July 20 - Contemporary Challenges in American and Global Law Deepens International Connection in a Year Defined by Distance - The 16 Contemporary Challenges in American & Global Law webinars are available online. Please use the hyperlinked titles to view webinars.
2021, May 21 - Institute and Special Program Students Recognized at Virtual Certificate Ceremony The students recognized in the ceremony have studied in focused and enriching areas of legal practices and certification from these institutes—Comparative and International Law Program, Compliance, Investigations and Corporate Responsibility Program, Law and Public Policy Program, Law and Technology Institute, and Securities Law Program—endorses recipients as specialists in their respective areas of study.
2020, December 16 - Catholic Law, together with its partners at the Jagiellonian University in Kraków, Poland, established a new virtual web series focused on Contemporary Challenges in American & Global Politics. Spearheaded by Catholic Law Professor Emerita Leah Wortham, the webinars are presented twice-a-month and touch on topics challenging international law today. With attendance averaging 140+ guests per session, the events have reached law students, alumni, and other lawyers around the globe. Please use the hyperlinked titles to view webinars.
2020, November 10 - Catholic Law’s International Law Students Association (ILSA) presented Experience of Interaction Between the UN and Commission on the Status of Women with NGOs. The program featured guest speaker Svitlana Salamatova and her work as Head of The Ukrainian Women in the UN Project.
2018, October 25 – Reunion weekend guests heard from panelists during the Cross- Border Lawyering in the Digital Age presentation. This presentation was in celebration of the 15th anniversary of the CUA-JU LL.M. in American Law and 27 years of the International Business and Trade Summer Law Program. Click here to view the panel discussion on Catholic Law's YouTube channel. Honored with the Distinguished Recent Alumni Award, Rafal Kos, Ph.D, LL.M '10, was recognized for his notable achievements and contributions to the Law School.
2018, September 17 - Professor and Director of the Comparative and International Law Institute Geoffrey Watson conducted an informational meeting for all first-year students interested in applying to the Institute. Following the meeting, students heard from Diana Tsutieva, associate at Foley Hoag LLP, who gave a presentation on Careers in International Arbitration. Tsutieva provided an overview of how her firm’s international practice is organized. She discussed investment arbitration (a procedure to resolve disputes between foreign investors and host States), public international law (state-to-state litigation and arbitration), international commercial arbitration, and representing sovereign states in U.S. Courts. She explained that attorneys work in teams of typically 5-10 individuals; the work involves heavily written pleadings; there are limited occasions for oral advocacy and motion practice; more senior lawyers frequently serve as arbitrators and mediators; and some travel is involved.
2018, August, 30 - In its 27th consecutive year, CUA's International Business and Trade Summer Law Program in cooperation with Jagiellonian University, hosted fourteen American and fourteen Polish students for an intensive four and a half week summer law program (June 16 – July 18) focused on international business, trade, and comparative law. From the program’s inception, a unique feature of the program has been the inclusion of Polish law students selected to participate in the program from the host institution and other law schools throughout Poland. The Polish students contribute a new perspective to classroom discussions, as they bring to the forefront differences between the civil and common legal systems.
2018, July, 26 - CUA Law student Alex Catiggay (2L) participated in an externship at JGBS Biernat & Partners as part of CUA's International Business and Trade Summer Law Program in Poland, which is hosted in cooperation with the Jagiellonian University. Lawyers of JGBS Biernat & Partners familiarized Catiggay with the Polish legal system, in particular with legal provisions related to reprivatization. The practice in the firm was an opportunity to prepare contracts and documents for clients from various countries around the world. Catiggay was also able to participate in meetings with clients.
2018, July, 19 - A group of Catholic Law school students and faculty traveled to Rome, Italy for the 5th Annual Catholic University’s International Human Rights Summer Law Program, held May 19 to June 9, 2018. Professors Lucia Silecchia, Stacy Brustin, and Sarah Duggin accompanied the students in Rome, teaching courses that explored the intersection of international human rights law with other substantive areas of law, including international environmental law, corporate social responsibility, and immigration and refugee law. Several students also opted to conduct direct research with Professor Silecchia, exploring the involvement of the Holy See on selected human rights issues.
2018, May 29 - The annual Institutes and Special Programs Certificate Ceremony was held on May 23rd. Recipients of the certificate in Comparative and International Law were David J. Byerley, John C. Gekas, Raymond D. Magorien, Portia R. Richards, Megan E. Shuster, and Ryne J. Sulier.
2018, May, 24 - The Institutes and Special Programs Certificate Ceremony, held on May 24, in the Rev. William J. Byron S.J. Auditorium, invited graduates of the four certificate-issuing Institutes, as well as their guests, to celebrate their achievements. Certification from these Institutes — the Comparative and International Law Program, the Law and Public Policy Program, the Law and Technology Institute, and the Securities Law Program — endorses the student as a graduate who offers employers a level of subject mastery that is significantly beyond that which may be learned in the general J.D. curriculum.
2018, February, 19 - Raymond Magorien (3L) delivered first Student Scholars Series lecture of the semester on February 19. Magorien’s scholarship, “The Driving Force behind International Maritime Disputes,” argued that there is a demand to figure out a solution to the law of the sea. “We learn the law of the land in law school, but 70 percent of the world is covered in water, 80 percent of people live on the coast that might be affected by global warming and climate change, and 90 percent of trade is through the sea,” Magorien said.
2018, January 10 - The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law's International Business and Trade Summer Law Program was ranked among the top externships in Europe by the National Jurist magazine's winter 2018 issue (Vol. 27, No.3).
2018, January - The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law's International Business and Trade Summer Law Program was ranked among the top externships in Europe by the National Jurist magazine’s winter 2018 issue (Vol. 27, No. 3). National Jurist magazine ranked the school’s programs by the amount of real-world experience students gained. The Cracow Summer Program was designed to foster an academic exchange between The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and the Jagiellonian University of Cracow. Students may work as externs with branches of American, European and Polish law firms, and the school has contacts with more than 20 offices.
2018, January - The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law's International Business and Trade Summer Law Program was ranked among the top externships in Europe by the National Jurist magazine’s winter 2018 issue (Vol. 27, No. 3). National Jurist magazine ranked the school’s programs by the amount of real-world experience students gained. The Cracow Summer Program was designed to foster an academic exchange between The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and the Jagiellonian University of Cracow. Students may work as externs with branches of American, European and Polish law firms, and the school has contacts with more than 20 offices.
2017, November 07 - Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland. Catholic Law Professor Emerita Leah Wortham received the Officer's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland (Krzyz Oficerski Orderu Zaslugi Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej) from Chancellery of the President of the Republic of Poland The award was granted for outstanding achievements in the development of Polish-American scientific cooperation, education of Polish students and construction of intercultural dialogue. The decoration took place on Thursday, November 10, 2016 (vigil of the Polish Independence Day). ”
2017, November 2 - Catholic Law Professor Watson, Director of Catholic Law's Comparative & International Law Institute, spoke on the 100th anniversary of the Balfour Declaration -- the 1917 British undertaking to support a "national home for the Jewish people" in Palestine. Watson first detailed the diplomatic history of the Declaration, and then he traced its legal history through the era of the Mandate for Palestine, the founding of the State of Israel, and modern times. He concluded by offering thoughts on how British and Palestinian officials might adjust their current talking points on the Balfour Declaration.
2017, September 26 - This summer students traveled to Cracow, Poland, to participate in the International Business and Trade Summer Law Program from June 10 – July 12. The Cracow Summer Program, established in 1992, was designed to foster an academic exchange between The Catholic University of America Columbus School of Law and the Jagiellonian University of Cracow. Students received an intensive training in global aspects of modern trade, comparative perspectives of regulated industries and antitrust laws in the U.S. and the European Union, international business transactions, and other substantive areas of law. Unlike most summer abroad programs, a number of English-speaking law students from Polish universities also participated which allowed students the chance to develop cross-cultural friendships and networking opportunities. The Polish and American students attended classes together, lived together and participated in all co-curricular activities together.
2017, May 25 - Institute and Special Program Students Recognized at Certificate Ceremony The Institutes and Special Programs Certificate Ceremony, held on May 25, in the Rev. William J. Byron S.J. Auditorium, invited graduates of the four certificate-issuing Institutes, as well as their guests, to celebrate their achievements. Certification from these Institutes — the Law and Public Policy Program, the Law and Technology Institute, the Comparative and International Law Program, and the Securities Law Program—endorses the student as a graduate who offers employers a level of subject mastery that is significantly beyond that which may be learned in the general J.D. curriculum. “These are students who have gone above and beyond the requirements for earning a J.D. degree,” Dean Daniel F. Attridge said. “These students have seized the opportunity to focus on specific, substantive areas of law. All of this, I believe, will make them particularly well-suited for a lifetime of service.” After the Dean’s welcome remarks, the director of each program spoke of their pride in this year’s graduates and discussed their accomplishments.
2017, April 25 - CUA Law Student, Laura de la Torre, Makes Time for Pro Bono This spring, 2E Catholic Law student Laura de la Torre completed a remote pro bono project in partnership with the Hope Border Institute and the Texas Civil Rights Project. The Hope Border Institute is a founding member of the Borderland Immigration Council, an El Paso, Las Cruces, and Ciudad Júarez based coalition of immigration attorneys, service providers, advocacy organizations, and concerned community members working to address serious concerns with immigration issues. “I researched the various immigration agencies' jurisdiction and authority, including ICE, CBP, and USCIS. I used my research to draft FOIA's to these agencies. It was great to learn about such a timely issue, and insightful to hear about organizations like HBI, who closely monitor immigration activities and provide information to the public and policy makers,” Laura said.
2017, April 03 - Catholic Law professor Geoffrey Watson will chair a panel discussion, The Balfour Declaration in International Law, at Princeton University. The discussion is part of the Balfour Declaration: 100 Years in History and Memory Conference being held on May 8 and 9.
2017, March 30 - Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky '75 to Deliver Columbus School of Law’s 2017 Commencement Address Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky, Senior International Partner at WilmerHale and a 1975 alumna of the Columbus School of Law, will deliver the Law School’s 128th Commencement Address on Friday, May 26, 2017. “We are very pleased that Ambassador Charlene Barshefsky will deliver the Law School’s 2017 Commencement address,” said Daniel F. Attridge, Dean and Knights of Columbus Professor of Law. “Ambassador Barshefsky is recognized as a leading expert on international business, economic, and trade issues. She has a deep reservoir of experience, achievement, and service to draw upon in offering advice to our graduates.
2017, March 27 - Catholic Law Students Participate in Immigration Law Practicum Law students in Adjunct Professor Donald Mooers' Immigration Law: Employment, Family, and Naturalization course gathered at the Montgomery College Takoma Park/Silver Spring campus in Maryland for an immigration practicum. The practicum, organized entirely by Catholic Law students under Professor Mooers’ supervision, featured individual clinical sessions, staffed by law students and supervising attorneys, aimed at assisting Montgomery College students with answers to their immigration and visa status questions. Catholic Law students also led a series of presentations that addressed current issues affecting the student community at Montgomery College. Topics raised during the event included Naturalization, Work Visas, Family-Based Green Cards, Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) issues, Special Immigrant Juvenile status, and Asylum. ”
2016, December 12- Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland Catholic Law Professor Rett R. Ludwikowski received the Commander's Cross of the Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland at the Larisch Palace in Kraków, Poland. The Order of Merit of the Republic of Poland is bestowed on foreigners and Polish citizens permanently living abroad, who by their activities have made outstanding contributions to international cooperation and to bonds between the Republic of Poland and other nations and countries. Ludwikowski received the award while he was in Kraków attending a symposium on legal issues related to start-ups on December 2.
2016, October 20 - Comparative and International Law Institute Hosts Career Lecture On October 20th, students gathered in the Slowinski Court Room at the Columbus School of Law to attend a presentation entitled “Pursuing a Career in International Law,” which explored the various avenues students can take if they are interested in obtaining a job in international law. The event was hosted by Catholic Law’s Comparative and International Law Institute, and Catholic Law Professor and Director of the Comparative and International Law Institute Geoffrey R. Watson introduced the speaker Wes Rist, Director of Education and Research at the American Society of International Law.
2016, July 25 - CUA 2016 International Business and Trade Summer Law Program in Cracow, Poland, Celebrates 25th Anniversary The 25th anniversary of the Cracow Summer Law Program was celebrated with three main events: the International Career Panel and Networking Reception at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland in Washington D.C., the reception for the students during the field trip to the Tatra Mountains in the resort town of Zakopane, Poland, and the closing ceremony for the program participants at the Jagiellonian University, in Cracow. “While the Program is highly demanding and time consuming, it is more importantly an intellectually rewarding and stimulating venture,” CUA Law Professor Rett Ludwikowski said. “It provided an opportunity for cultural and professional interaction between the students and faculty from Poland and the United States, who left Cracow fully aware of their participation in fruitful dialogue between the finest legal minds of both countries.”
2016, June 22 - Catholic Law Students Participate in International Human Rights Summer Law Program in Rome Fifteen students participated in Catholic University's fourth International Human Rights Summer Law Program in Rome from May 21 to June 11, 2016. Offered for the first time in 2011, the Program allows students to earn four credits in an academically intense program in which they may select two out of three courses of study: International Environmental Law, Tax Policy and Human Rights, and Art, Cultural Property and Human Rights. The faculty for the 2016 summer program included Catholic Law Professors Lucia Silecchia, Susanna Fischer and Regina Jefferson.
2016, May 26 - Institute and Special Program Students Recognized at Certificate Ceremony The Institutes and Special Programs Certificate Ceremony, held on May 26, in the Rev. William J. Byron S.J. Auditorium, invited graduates of the four certificate-issuing Institutes, as well as their guests, to celebrate their achievements. Certification from these Institutes — the Law and Public Policy Program, the Law and Technology Institute, the Comparative and International Law Program, and the Securities Law Program—endorses the student as a graduate who offers employers a level of subject mastery that is significantly beyond that which may be learned in the general J.D. curriculum. “These are students who have gone above and beyond the requirements for earning a J.D. degree,” Dean Daniel F. Attridge said. “These students have seized the opportunity to focus on specific, substantive areas of practice. All of this, I believe, will make them particularly well-suited for a lifetime of service.”
2016, April 19 - For nearly a decade students on the Catholic Law Vis International Commercial Arbitration Team have had the opportunity to witness the coming together of students, professors, and professionals from so many different legal and cultural backgrounds. This year's experience was no different. In December and January, Catholic Law submitted two forty page memorandums in support of each the Claimant and Respondent, respectively, in a sales contract dispute concerning the purchase and distribution of high-end wine. The commodity at issue proved a unique challenge given the industry-specific business standards in the sale of wine. Furthermore, the currently contested issue in international arbitration of the use of litigation-style discovery was debated in the memorandums. The students researched all aspects of the CISG (international sales law), UNIDROIT Principles, UNCITRAL Model Law, and the Vienna International Arbitration Centre Rules to draft thorough and well-reasoned papers on behalf of their clients.
2015, November 3 - International Law and the Conflict in Syria Professor Geoffrey Watson, director of the Comparative and International Law Institute, invites you to an informal conversation on International Law and the Conflict in Syria on Tuesday, November 3, from 12:45 to 1:50 p.m. in Room 220. Professor Watson will explore the international legal dimensions of the conflict in Syria. He will examine: Whether international law limit Russian or US participation in the conflict? What level of force can be used? Would a no-fly zone be lawful without UN Security Council authorization? How does human rights law relate to the conflict? What legal principals govern the status of Syrian refugees in the region and elsewhere? Q&A to follow. A pizza lunch will be provided. Please Rsvp to Constantia Dedoulis at no later than Monday, November 2 at noon.
2015, May 21 - CILI Certificate Ceremony and Reception The day before the law school graduation, students, family and friends gathered together for the annual certificate ceremony to celebrate the accomplishments of the 10 graduates who earned the certificate in Comparative and International Law. The certificate is a tangible demonstration of our students' unyielding commitment and hard work to acquiring the knowledge and skills necessary to practice law in this competitive field of law.
2015, March 26 - An International Career Panel and Networking Reception, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Washington, D.C. Moderator: The Honorable Patrick A. Mulloy, Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce and former five term Commissioner on the twelve-member, bipartisan, joint House/Senate U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission; Panelists: Tomasz Chmal, Partner, White & Case, Warsaw, Poland; Dr. Izabela Krasnicka, Associate Professor, Department of Public International Law of the Faculty of Law, University in Bialystok, Poland; and Mark R. Ludwikowski, Member, Sandler, Travis & Rosenberg, P.A.
2015, February 27-28 - Six teams, including three that traveled from Texas, participated in the Columbus School of Law’s first annual Immigration Law Moot Court Competition. Teams were expected to address issues and relevant case law surrounding the appeal, including “Whether the Board erred in finding petitioner ineligible for relief from removal because he committed a serious nonpolitical crime.” The University of Houston Law Center fielded two separate teams to compete in the moot competition. Other schools represented included Baylor Law School (the eventual victor), Catholic Law, the University of Detroit, and George Washington University. Ronalda Kosh (3E), Patricia Zermeno (4E), and Ana Victoria Perez (3D) were the members of Catholic University’s team, coached by Jonathan Jacobs (3E).
2014, November 12 - Differences in Economic Culture of the United States and the European Union and their Legal Consequences, Marek Krzysztof Kolasinski, Ph.D. hab., Professor, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Torun, Poland, Faculty of Law and Administration, Chair of the European Law.
2014, November 11 - Catholic Law alumna, Charlene Barshefsky '75, named "Lawyer of the Year" in Best Lawyers Magazine , Ambassador Barshefsky is WilmerHale's Senior International Partner. She joined the firm after serving as the U.S. Trade Representative—the chief trade negotiator and principal trade policymaker for the United States—from 1997 to 2001, and acting as deputy USTR from 1993 to 1996.
2014, October 15 - Are The World Bank and the International Monetary Fund Catalysts to Wealth of Nations' Creation? presented by Mark M. Michalski, Ph.D., Consultant, Infrastructure, World Bank, Washington, D.C., and Adjunct Associate Professor, University of Maryland University College.
2014, September 8 - A Conversation with Supreme Tribunal Judge Fernando Vegas Torrealba, First Vice President of Venezuela’s Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) and President of the Electoral Hall of the Supreme Court of Justice.
2014, March 6 - An International Career Panel and Networking Reception, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Washington, D.C., Moderator: The Honorable Patrick A. Mulloy, Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce and former five term Commissioner on the twelve-member, bipartisan, joint House/Senate U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission; Panelists:Jerry Erickson, Principal, Erickson Immigration Group; Robert Heilferty, Deputy Chief Counsel for Trade Enforcement & Compliance, Office of the General Counsel, U.S. Department of Commerce; Khaliunaa Garamgaibaatar, Investigative Analyst, Integrity Vice Presidency (INT), The World Bank Group.
2013, March 25 - A Conversation with Mark M. Michalski, Ph.D., Board Member/Book Editor, Washington Institute of China Studies, WISC, DC, Georgetown University, TTI, Washington, D.C., Amman, Jordan and Consultant for USTDA/TTI.
2013, February 7 - 11th Annual Trade Panel, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Washington, D.C., Moderator: The Honorable Patrick A. Mulloy, Former Assistant Secretary of Commerce and former five term Commissioner on the twelve-member, bipartisan, joint House/Senate U.S.-China Economic & Security Review Commission; Panelists: Daniel Porter, Partner, Curtis, Mallet-Prevost, Colt & Mosle LLP; and, Angela Jarmula, CSL 2001, Senior Advisor, European External Action Service, Delegation of the European Union to the United States of America.
2012, November 12 - The U.S. Treaty Ratification Process: Exploring the Roles of the President and the U.S. Senate, Mr. Samuel M. Witten, of Arnold & Porter, LLP, served in the State Department's Office of the Legal Adviser for 19 years, including five years as Assistant Legal Adviser for Law Enforcement and Intelligence. He will be presenting a lecture examining the in-depth duties of the executive and legislative branches of the American government during the treaty ratification procedure. A reception will follow
2012, October 22 - Constitutionalization of European Union Law, presented by Dr. Marta Skrodzka, who for years served as our guide in the International Business and Trade Summer Law Program in Cracow, Poland, and now teaches Law of European Union in the program, will discuss with students the process of constitutionalization of E.U.'s law.
2012, September 28 - Notes from Tunisia: Life in the Aftermath of the Arab Spring, a discussion with Richard Winchester, Professor at Thomas Jefferson School of Law; Amed Meziou, Tunisian Attorney; and, Dr. Saloua Saidane, San Diego Mesa College.
2012, March 28, Navigating a New Era: An experts' Dialogue on International Labor Standards & the U.S. Judiciary.
2012, March 27 - An International Career Panel and Networking Reception, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Washington, D.C., panelists Andrew Solomon, BlueLaw International, and Sam Witten, Arnold & Porter, with Shelby Quast moderating. CILI is joined in sponsoring the event by the Office of Career and Professional Development and the International Law Students Association.
2012, March 26 - Prosecuting Organized Crime: The Terrorist Legacy, presented by Dr. Liz Campbell, who addressed the transition of the criminal justice system in Ireland from one that addresses terrorism to organized crime; sponsored by the Comparative and International Law Institute and the Irish-America Law Students Association.
2011, April 28 - From Crisis to Recovery: The IMF/World Bank's Role in the Context of the Bretton Woods Agreements, a lecture by Mark Michalski of the Washington Institute of China Studies.
2011, March 24 - A Celebration of the 25th Anniversary of the Comparative and International Law Institute, the 20th Anniversary of the International Business and Trade Summer Law Program in Cracow, and the 10th Annual Trade Panel Discussion. This event was held at the Embassy of the Republic of Poland, in Washington, D.C., and consisted of a panel of trade experts followed by a networking reception.
2010, October 18 - Doing the Wrong Thing Faster: A Systematic Approach to Court Reform in Developing Countries, a talk by Wade Channell, Commercial Law Advisor, United States Agency for International Development. 2010, April 16 - Students attend U.S. Department of State briefing on Russia.
2010, April 13 - International Trade Panel, with guest speakers Maura Jeffords, The Hon. Patrick Mulloy, Matthew Nicely and Morton Sklar.
2010, March 15 - International Career Panel and CILI/Cracow Networking Reception, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Washington, D.C.; panelists: Ashley Craig, Venable; Maura Jeffords, Diageo; Shelby Quast; and, Michael Surgalla, Department of Justice.
2010, March 11 - Town Hall Meeting at U.S. Department of State with release of Country Reports on Human Rights.
2010, January 21 - Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton speaks at the Newseum; certificate students from the Comparative and International Law Institute, Institute for Communications Law Studies and the Law and Public Policy Program attended the major policy speech.
2009, November 18 - International Criminal Tribunals: Current Developments, a talk by Christopher Rassi, Esq., Thompson Hine LLP.
2009, November 17 - Commemorating the 20th Anniversary of the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Moderator: Dean George E. Garvey; Panelists: CUA Law Professor Rett Ludwikowski; Larry Wright, U.S. Department of State, Germany Country Desk; Chad Vickery (2007), Regional Director for Europe and Asia International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES); and Peter Erben, IFES Chief of Mission, Pakistan. Co-sponsored by the International Foundation for Electoral Systems.
2009, September 23 - The Legality of Military Commissions — Review of the Legal Problems, presented by Brian Coleman.
2009, April 6 - An Overview of the International Criminal Tribunals from the View of the Defense, a talk by Kate Gibson, who was on the defense team of Dr. Radovan Karadzic at the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia (ICTY), and as a counsel for victims at the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia on the trials of the leaders of the Khmer Rouge.
2009, March 25 - 9th Annual Trade Panel: The Trading World at the Threshold of Global Depression, Moderator: Patrick A. Mulloy, U.S.-China Economic and Security Review Commission; Panelists: Dan Ikenson, Center for Trade Policy Studies, Cato Institute; Ambassador Craig Kelly, Bureau of Western Hemisphere Affairs, U.S. Department of State; John Kneuer, John Kneuer Company LLC; and, Mark Ludwikowski, Thompson Hine LLP.
2008, November 3 - Before and after the Referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon: The History and Future of Ireland's Relations with the European Union, a lecture by Myles Geiran, Press & Information Officer, Embassy of Ireland. Dean Miles & Prof. Ludwikowski with Glods
2008, October 30 - CILI Networking Reception, Embassy of the Republic of Poland, Washington, D.C., honoring Dr. Stanley J. Glod.
2008, September 22 - Protection of Human Rights in Europe and America in Comparative Perspective, a lecture by Dr. Spasimir Domaradzki, Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski University.
2008, April 22 - 8th Annual Trade Panel: Trading Without Fast Track Negotiating Authority: Unresolved American Problems and New Developments in the Trading World.