Catholic Law Professor Lucia Silecchia debuted the new biweekly column "On Ordinary Times" in January 2019. This content is free to use in publications and on-line media as part of an initiative of The Catholic University of America to provide quality content to Catholic publications. Since it's launch, the column has appeared in diocesan newspapers across the country. The column focuses on the meaning of ordinary time and the ways to find the sacred in everyday.
This biweekly column is sent via email to interested publications on the 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month.
If you have any questions or are interested in using the column in your publication, please do not hesitate to contact the author directly at
This content is free to use in your publications and on-line media. We only ask three things:
- Please make no changes to the text (outside of typos or grammatical errors) without prior authorization.
- The author’s byline (Lucia A. Silecchia) and the notation “Lucia A. Silecchia is a Professor of Law at the Catholic University of America.” is to be included in the publication of the article. The author’s email address,, may be included as well.
- All rights to the column are retained by the author.
Past Columns
Click on the links below to view past columns:
Column Number; Title; Topic
- Column 134: Envy in Ordinary Time; (A column about envy ...)
- Column 133: Isolation in Ordinary Time; (A column on days to celebrate in the new year ...)
- Column 132: Perspectives on Ordinary Time; (A column on viewing the world through the eyes of others ...)
- Column 131: Holidays of Ordinary Time; (A column on days to celebrate in the new year ...)
- Column 130: Giving in Ordinary Time; (A column about Christmas kindness ....)
- Column 129: The Paradox of Ordinary Time; (A column about December busy-ness...) AND a bonus column from the archives for those who mourn in Advent
- Column 128: Running Through Ordinary Time; (A column about marathons and life ...)
- Column 127: The Future of Ordinary Time; (A column about hope, and the World Series ...)
- Column 126: The Stress of Ordinary Time; Thoughts on the stresses of parenthood....
- Column 125: The Glory of Ordinary Time; Thoughts on the joys of the unexpected ....
- Column 123: Champions of Ordinary Time; Reflections Inspired by the Olympic Games
- Column 122: Loneliness in Ordinary Time; A Column on the World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly....) PLUS a bonus column on siblings for the July 29 Memorial of Saints Martha, Mary & Lazarus ...
- Column 121: The Love of God in Ordinary Time; (A column on the way a parent's love points to the love of God ....)
- Column 120: The Serendipity of Ordinary Time; A column on the lowly landline and what it may teach us about life ....
- Column118: Companions for the Journey Through Ordinary Time; A column on companionship through this life ....
- Column 117: The Wonder of Ordinary Time; A column reflecting back on the eclipse ....
- Column 116: Walking Together In Ordinary Time; A column of thanks to all who entered the Church this Easter ...
- Column 115: Growing Up In Ordinary Time; A column about our futures ...
- Column 114: A March Through Ordinary Time; A column about the month of March as a metaphor for human nature ...
- Column 113: Answers in Ordinary Time; A column as Lent gets underway ... and a bonus column for Leap Year!
- Column 112: True Love in Ordinary Time; A column about February 14th ...
- Column 111: In the Fog of Ordinary Time; A column on the joy of living in the present... and A Bonus Column for the March for LIfe
- Column 110: A New Year of Ordinary Time; A column to start a new year ...
- Column 109: A Witness to Ordinary Time; A Christmas season column about St. Joseph...
- Column 108: Away from Ordinary Times; A column about this year's short Advent season ...
- Column 107: The Past and Present of Ordinary Times; A column about the prayerful joy of addressing Christmas cards ....
- Column 106: Friendship in Ordinary Times: A column about praying for those who have passed from this life ....
- Column 105: Vision in Ordinary Times: A column about seeking the best in each other-- and ourselves ....
- Column 104: Respecting Life in Ordinary Times: A Column for Respect Life Month 2023...
- Column 103: The Children of Ordinary Time: A Column Reflecting on the Ways we Treat each Other ... PLUS A Bonus Column for the Feast of St Francis
- Column 102: Partners in Ordinary Times: A Column Reflecting on Barbie, and the Relationships between Men and Women ....
- Column 101: Noticing Ordinary Times: A Column Inviting Attention to the Routine Things in Life ....
- Column 100: Welcome Home to Ordinary Times: A Column Welcoming World Youth Day Pilgrims Home from Portugal ....
- Column 99: Re-reading in Ordinary Times: A Column in Praise of the Familiar ....
- Column 98: My Homeland in Ordinary Times; A Column for Independence Day
- Column 97: A Dad Mourns in Ordinary Time; A Column About Fathers and Miscarriages ... and a bonus Column for Father's Day
- Column 96: The Widsom of Ordinary Time; A Column About Unsung Heroes and Graduation....
- Column 95: The Spirit of Ordinary Time; A Column About Appreciating Confirmation ....
- Column 94: The Music of Ordinary Time; A Column of Gratitude for Church Musicians ...
- Column 93: Anniversaries in Ordinary Time; A Column Celebrating the Anniversaries of Catechumens from Easters Past ...
- Column 92: A GIft for Ordinary Time; A column in anticipation of the Solemnity of the Anunciation ...
- Column 91; The Baggage of Ordinary Time; On our Lenten journeys ...
- Column 90; The Miracle of Ordinary Time; On the Eucharistic Revival ....
- Column 89; Sacred Days of Ordinary Time; On the important days of the new year...
- Column 88; Surrendering Ordinary Times; On Pope Benedict XVI's passing from this life
- Column 87; A Special Slice of Extra-Ordinary Time; The days after Christmas ....
- Column 86; Travels Through Ordinary Time; Holiday travel and the journey through Advent ....
- Column 85; Remaking Ordinary Time; Radical new beginnings ....
- Column 84; The Seasons of Ordinary Time; Changing seasons and the phases of life ....
- Column 83; The Inheritance of Ordinary Time; Passing along the faith ....
- Column 82; The Rest of Ordinary Time; The new school year, and keeping Sundays sacred as the whirlwind begins ....
- Column 81; Navigating Ordinary Time; Wise guides on the journey through life ....
- Column 80; A Warm Welcome in Ordinary Time; Welcoming new parishioners ....
- Column 79; Siblings in Ordinary Times; St. Martha, Sisters and Brothers ... and a bonus column for the 2nd World Day of Grandparents and the Elderly on July 24
- Column 78; New Days of Ordinary Time; On the Dobbs decision ....
- Column 77; In the Embrace of Ordinary Time; On holiness ... and canonizations
- Column 76; May God Go with You into Ordinary Time; On graduations, from a teacher's perspective
- Column 75; The Banquet of Ordinary Time; On the joys of First Holy Communion
- Column 74; The Family of Ordinary Time; On returning to Church at Eastertide
- Column 73; Connection in Ordinary Time; On simple kindnesses
- Column 72; Women of Ordinary Time; Thoughts on Women’s History Month
- Column 71; Winters of Ordinary Time; On hard times … and Groundhog’s Day
- Column 70; A Challenge for Ordinary Time; Thoughts on coming of age in 2022
- Column 69; New Days of Ordinary Time; On the start of a new year
- Column 68; The Light of Ordinary Times; Thoughts on St. Lucy’s Day
- Column 67; A Note of Thanks in Ordinary Time; On expressing thanks
- Column 66; A Thief of Ordinary Time; Thoughts on National Alzheimer’s Awareness Month
- Column 65; Dressing Up for Ordinary Time; On what Halloween costumes can teach about life
- Column 64; A Friend in Ordinary Time; On sacrificial love
- Column 63; A Portrait in Ordinary Time; On what Halloween costumes can teach about life
- Column 62; Impressions of Ordinary Time; On the importance of chance encounters
- Column 61; In the Blur of Ordinary Time; Reflections on being attentive to others
- Column 60; Racing Through Ordinary Times; A cautionary reflection on neglecting the present
- Column 59; The Angels of Ordinary Time; The first “Celebration of Grandparents and the Elderly” – and the important work of caring for our elders
- Column 58; Dependence of Ordinary Time; Acknowleging our vulnerability
- Column 57; A Celebration in Ordinary Time; Celebrating the day of our Baptism
- Column 56; Gifts of Love in Ordinary Time; Celebrating the generosity of married love
- Column 55; A Mother’s Prayer for Ordinary Time; Mother’s Day
- Column 54; The Labor of Ordinary Time; Labor Day reflections on the dignity of work
- Column 53; Good News Brightens Ordinary Time; Easter joy!
- Column 52; An Hour of Ordinary Time; Reflections on the importance of time
- Column 51; Spring Comes to Ordinary Time; Thoughts on Lenten hope
- Column 50; A Question for Ordinary Time; An examination of conscience prompted by a long-ago question
- Column 49; School Days in Ordinary Time; Catholic Schools Week
- Column 48; The Cast of Ordinary Time; Gratitude for those who cross our paths
- Column 47; Beauty Comes to Ordinary Time; Thoughts on Christmas decorations and what they teach about life
- Column 46; The Peace of Advent – and Of Ordinary Time; Thoughts on a quiet Advent
- Column 45; Together for Ordinary Times; Thoughts on missing loved ones at holiday time
- Column 44; The Patriots of Ordinary Time; Veterans’ Day
- Column 43; The Face of God in Ordinary Time; Thoughts on divisive times
- Column 42; The Gospel of Life in Ordinary Time; Respect Life Month
- Column 41; Seasons of Ordinary Time; On the changing seasons of the year – and of life
- Column 40; Rejoicing in Ordinary Time; Encouraging the celebration of the good, even in hard times
- Column 39; The Bounty of Ordinary Time; On the joyful hope of growing a garden
- Column 38; A Hug for Ordinary Time; The burden of COVID-19 on our elders
- Column 37; Planning for Ordinary Time; Reflections on uncertainty
- Column 36; Guides Through Ordinary Time; The importance of generous mentors who guide the way
- Column 35; Coming Home for Ordinary Time; The special place of our parish churches
- Column 34; Thanks, Class of 2020, for Our Ordinary Times; A thank you note to a graduating class
- Column 33; Ordinary Times in Pope John Paul II’s Hometown; Reflections on the life of Pope John Paul II
- Column 32; The Promises of Ordinary Time; Reflections on Baptismal promises
- Column 31; Sisters and Brothers Through Ordinary; Times A welcome to the newly baptized
- Column 30; Ordinary People in Extraordinary Times; A thank you to essential workers
- Column 29; Disruption Comes to Ordinary Time; The start of the COVID-19 pandemic
- Column 28; Thanks, Dad, for Ordinary Time; The Feast of St Joseph – and gratitude for loving fathers
- Column 27; A Bonus Day of Ordinary Time; Reflections on the start of Lent – and Leap Day!
- Column 26; The Cast of Ordinary Time; Celebrating the people in the everyday fabric of our lives
- Column 25; A Book for Ordinary Times; Celebrating the first celebration of the “Sunday of the Word of God”
- Column 24; 527,040 Minutes of Ordinary Time; Celebrating the start of a new year
- Column 23; Christ Comes to Ordinary Time; Celebrating the birth of Christ
- Column 22; Reuniting for Ordinary Times; The joy of being together at Thanksgiving
- Column 21; Trading Ordinary Times for Advent; Remembering those who are sorrowful at Christmastime
- Column 20; The Gardens of Ordinary Time; The sacred ground of our cemeteries
- Column 19; Schools for Ordinary Times; The challenge of selecting a college
- Column 18; All Creatures of Ordinary Time; Feast of St. Francis
- Column 17; Mercy in Ordinary Time; The joy of Forgiveness
- Column 16; Grieving for Ordinary Time; September 11
- Column 15; New Beginnings in Ordinary Time; Thoughts on the Start of a New School Year
- Column 14; Peace in Ordinary Time; Reflections on the peace that comes from God alone
- Column 13; The Elders of Ordinary Time; Celebrating the Feast of Sants Anne and Joachim and the Importance of Grandparents
- Column 12; Wasting Ordinary Time; Cherishing the simple pleasures of summer
- Column 11; Shepherds of Ordinary Time; Celebrating priestly ordinations
- Column 10; Gratitude in Ordinary Time; Remembering gratitude at the big celebrations in life
- Column 09; The Blossoms of Ordinary Time; Mother’s Day reflections
- Column 08; The Prophets of Ordinary Time; The importance of everyday witnesses
- Column 07; The Companions of Ordinary Time; A celebration of the special role of siblings
- Column 06; The Heroines of Ordinary Time; A celebration of unsung women
- Column 05; The Prayer of Ordinary Time; The sacred gift of daily Mass
- Column 04; The Crosses of Ordinary Time; The unseen burdens carried by our friends and neighbors
- Column 03; Romance in Ordinary Times; The meaning of true love
- Column 02; Snapshots of Ordinary Time; Cherishing the special and routine events in life
- Column 01; Welcome to Ordinary Time; The importance of the ordinary